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The Hebrew Hammer

Screening Information

Film Details

Country United States
Year 2002
Running Time 85 MIN
Language English
Director Jonathan Kesselman
Cast Adam Goldber, Andy Dick, Mario Van Peebles

Tagged In The Following Film Lists


Jew Power! The Hebrew Hammer, aka Mordecai Jefferson Carver (Adam Goldberg), swings into action when Santa Claus’ evil son, Damien (Andy Dick) decides to destroy Hanukkah. Allied with Muhammad Ali Paula Abdul Rahim (Mario Van Peebles), head of the Kwanzaa Liberation Front, Hammer, the self described ‘baddest Hebe in the neighbourhood’, prepares to kick some ass. Throwing political correctness out the window, and guaranteed to offend everyone, The Hebrew Hammer is the most outrageous spoof to come along since The Producers. As the earlock-wearing, Manishewitz-swigging, leather-jacketed Hammer, Goldberg is a hoot, a tough as borscht super-hero who can’t handle the pressure of saving the Jewish world or going home for a Sabbath dinner. Sacrilegious, fearless and hysterically funny!

Warning: Coarse language

Presentation Details