Hineini: Coming Out in a Jewish High School
Screening Information
Film Details
Country | United States | |
Year | 2005 | |
Running Time | 60 MIN | |
Language | English | |
Director | Irena Fayngold |
Tagged In The Following Film Lists
Hineini depicts the attempts of gay students at the New Jewish High School in Boston to reconcile their wish for religiosity with their homosexuality. “Where do I fit into my tradition? What does it mean that I’m doing something that’s prohibited by Torah,” asks student Shulamit Izen. In trying to establish a Gay/Straight alliance in her school, Shulamit hopes to create a supportive community where she will feel comfortable in asking these sorts of questions. Hineini is a documentary about activism, self-actualization and commitment to a cause - a film we can all learn something from.