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Why did TJFF launch a ‘give-back’ initiative?

At this time when we are all looking for ways to stay connected, while also doing our part to keep ourselves and one another healthy and safe, the Toronto Jewish Film Foundation is happy to announce new plans for bringing you the 28th Toronto Jewish Film Festival. We have been able to create a way for our festival community to reunite to support and celebrate Jewish-content film and filmmakers with the TJFF2020 Online Festival and we hope that you will join us!

This is new for all of us, and we understand that you will have questions.  We have tried to anticipate some of them here. For all other queries, please reach out to us at 

How can I watch TJFF2020 Online Festival films?

On television:
Using Casting – You can cast festival films to  your TV using the Apple TV or Chromecast apps

Using an HDMI cable – You can connect your PC desktop/laptop to your television using an HDMI cord. (This may also be done with an Apple computer if you have an HDMI or DisplayPort adapter)
Instructions with pictures: HERE
Video instructions:  HERE

On my computer
On my smartphone or mobile device

Can I still get an Early Bird Pass and what does it cover?

For a limited time, the All Access Pass is available at a special price, offering access to all TJFF2020 Online films for the passholder.  Click HERE for more information and to purchase a pass.

Will there still be Q+As with filmmakers after the films have aired?

Moderated live Q&As with filmmakers will be streamed in order to continue discourse between filmmakers and our audience. Audiences will be able to type in questions and questions will be selected by the moderator. Q& A’s will be scheduled after the viewing window for a film has closed. Recorded versions of the Q+A will be available as well.

When will tickets go on sale for TJFF2020 Online and how can I buy them?

Our online box office opens to the public at 10am on Thursday, May 7 at
– Online
– By Phone at 416-324-9121.

How will I receive access to watch the film(s)?

You will receive an email link with instructions to access the film after purchasing tickets to a screening.

How long will I have to watch a film at the TJFF2020 Online Festival?

All Festival films will be available for 24hrs from their release date/time.